Help us Help the Community

Read this important note from the president of our board, Andi Allen, about the importance of our scholarship fund. 

As part of our mission statement, Academy for Dramatic Arts is a place to learn and grow in the theatre arts in safe, nurturing environment, no matter the family’s financial status. Scholarships are available for participation in our productions.  We do ask that a portion of the fee be paid, with the amount being determined on a case by case basis.  At this time, we do not have a separate “scholarship fund” as part of the budget.  Any scholarships given come out of our general budget, which in turn, gives us less resources for other expenditures.  We do get donations throughout the year which go into the general budget to help with expenditures other than production costs. However, it would enhance our program if there was a specific line item for scholarships.  It is our plan this year to establish a separate Scholarship Fund line item that is designated solely for scholarships.  This would be a great way to support AFDA in a specific manner.   Please encourage your friends, family and business contacts to consider supporting the Scholarship Fund. For more information or to sponsor a child's scholarship, please email me personally at

Thank you in advance!
Andi Allen
Board President, Academy for Dramatic Arts